Update on TESS data availability at MAST

In order to better inform the community of the arrival times of the TESS data into the archive, the MAST has changed how and when it will announce the arrival of new TESS data. A few days before the data ingest begins, the date will be placed on the TESS Holdings page at MAST, and MAST will make an announcement on social media (@MAST_News on twitter). After ingest begins, one sector of TESS data takes approximately 20 hours to archive and make available in the MAST Portal. Since data files become available immediately after being archived, during this ingest process the data gradually appear in the MAST portal and astroquery searches. After all data are archived, MAST services such as the bulk downloads, TESScut, and exo.MAST take another 1-2 days to bring online. For more information about ingest and which services are available for each sector, see the TESS Holdings at MAST page.

Finally, we note that users can also "watch" the MAST page to receive updates on the archive holdings by following the instructions given on the MAST site.