Outreach Materials

Here you can find outreach materials related to exoplanets developed by NASA, the TESS Science Support Center, and the community. These include pamphlets, animations, videos, models, a coloring book, science writer's guide, etc. We hope that you enjoy them and use them for your own events. Note that some of the links will automatically download the corresponding PDF file.

TESS Infographics

TESS Extended Mission Triple System River of Young Stars Northern Vista
Old Faithful Allsky Vista Survivor

TESS Informational Pamphlets

Early Career Pamphlet Citizen Science Pamphlet

For the Youngest TESS fans

ABCs of Exoplanets TESS Exoplanet Coloring Book

Additional Resources

TESS Science Writer's Guide TESS Gallery TESS Model Files For More on Exoplanets