Frequently Asked Questions

Here we list some common questions. If you have a question not found here, you can always reach out to the Helpdesk.

How do I convert a TESS magnitude into a flux?

The flux in e-/s can be estimated via the following equation:

Flux [e-/s] = 10[(20.44-Tmag)/2.5]

This is derived from the values presented on page 37 of the Instrument hand book.

Is there proprietary period on TESS data?

No, all TESS data becomes immediately public when it arrives in the TESS archive MAST. The approximate date of data availability for a given sector can be found here.

What if I have an interesting and timely target that needs to be observed quickly and in short-cadence?

Target of opportunity proposals are solicited for rapidly evolving phenomena whose occurrence is not predictable at the time of the GI proposal deadline. These proposals would commence after the spacecraft upload following the trigger event, which could be as long as 2 months after the event. The impact to science of such a potential delay must be addressed in proposals requesting ToO observations. These proposals may be submitted during the regular cycle and are eligible for funding.

Additionally, a fraction of the GI targets will be reserved for rapid turn-around, Director's Discretionary Time (DDT). If your target can't wait for the next GI proposal cycle, then DDT is the route for you. Keep in mind that (i) targets need to be submitted about 6 weeks before they can to be observed; and (ii) the spacecraft has to be observing the corresponding region of the sky.

Where can I send my suggestion for an idea I'd like to see incorporated into the TESS GI program, or a software tool I'd like to suggest be developed?

We love feedback! Please contact our helpdesk with any suggestions or questions.

I see an interesting feature in my TESS light curve. What could it be?

Some common sources of anomalous light curves features include the target star being on a bad CCD column, scattered light from the Earth and/or Moon, or asteroids quickly crossing your target. It is recommended that Full-Frame Images taken at the same time as the anomalous feature be checked to verify whether or not the interesting feature seen is astrophysical in nature. The lighkurve package can also be used to interactively inspect the region surrounding your target.

Is there a standard acknowledgement to use when publishing TESS data?

This paper includes data collected by the TESS mission, which are publicly available from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST). Funding for the TESS mission is provided by NASA's Science Mission directorate.