# TESS Program G06202 Title: Study Of Optical/Near-Ultraviolet Energy Fractionation In Stellar Flares Using Simultaneous 20-s TESS And Swift Nuv Data PI: Paudel, Rishi - University Of Maryland (Baltimore County) Type: SMALL Summary: We propose to perform a systematic study of flares on a young solar type star using simultaneous TESS 20-s cadence data and Swift NUV data to understand the energy fractionation in optical/NUV bands for high energy flares. This pilot project will allow us to examine if the published results regarding optical/NUV energy fractionation estimated for high energy stellar flares using upper limits to energies of optical flares hold true. If true, they will be helpful to explore new flare physics and develop more accurate flare models. The information regarding energy fractionation in the optical/NUV bands will be significant inputs to models that estimate the impacts of strong flares on the atmospheres of planets orbiting solar type stars. # Sector 073 targets observed (2 min: 1, 20 s: 1) 394030788,282.2049,80.6744,9.73,G06202;20SECONDTARGET # Sector 074 targets observed (2 min: 1, 20 s: 1) 394030788,282.2049,80.6744,9.73,G06202;20SECONDTARGET # Sector 078 targets observed (2 min: 1, 20 s: 1) 394030788,282.2049,80.6744,9.73,G06202;20SECONDTARGET # Sector 079 targets observed (2 min: 1, 20 s: 1) 394030788,282.2049,80.6744,9.73,G06202;20SECONDTARGET